Apply For Services

Hospice North Hastings accepts referrals from anyone; individuals, family members, friends, visiting nurses, physicians, clergy, or home care workers.

Please contact call us at (613) 332-8014 to speak with any team member to discuss Hospice Services.

Eligibility Criteria for Hospice Services:

  • the individual is in the final stages of a life-limiting illness.
  • The individual and/or caregiver agrees to hospice care.
  • Be 18 years of age and over.
  • A health care professional can assess utilizing the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS)


Upon receiving a referral, our Team will contact you to set up a time to visit you/your family and/or discuss your referral.


Our Team will meet you in your home to discuss our programs, assess your needs and eligibility for service, and get to know you a little better.

Service Initiation

Depending on the services needed our Team will begin to plan for a transfer to the Residential Hospice or arrange for on-going services in your home.